Tucson lightning video

A thunderstorm rolled through parts of Tucson early Sunday evening, providing a reprieve from the recent soaring temperatures.  Of course, the community is thankful for every bit of rain received, too.

As is common here, numerous lightning strikes were included with this storm.  I videotaped some of them while sitting inside my parked vehicle.  The video below runs 1:01.

[wpvideo w2n7m2mX]

4 thoughts on “Tucson lightning video”

  1. Great video, Mark! I love the monsoon storms! When I first moved to Tucson, it was scary. After being here almost 11 years, you really get an appreciation for the beauty of the storms and of course, the much needed rain.

  2. Hi Tami. And thank you for sharing your thoughts on the monsoon. I also love the smell of the desert rain; especially just before the rain arrives and you can see the storm closing in on your area.

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