New Wayne Bent Video: “Return to Castle Dome”

Return to Castle Dome

In an effort to better understand the story that is Wayne Bent and his Lord of Righteousness church (also known as the Strong City cult), I recently spent a day at one of the church’s previous living sites:  a remote area called Castle Dome located more than an hour’s drive north of Yuma, Arizona.

During my visit, I interviewed two former LOR members.


Part 2 of Return to Castle Dome is now available.

9 thoughts on “New Wayne Bent Video: “Return to Castle Dome””

  1. Thank you Mark. This blessed me very much and made me cry. I pray this work will do it’s intended purpose on my behalf, and open the eyes of my friends at Strong City.

  2. Excellent Mark! You’ve captured a powerful message that will perhaps be the saving grace for some of the people still left in LOR. Looking forward to the 2nd part.

  3. Very good, Mark. This is the much needed “rest of the story”, produced in a balanced way. I’m looking forward to the remaining segments. Thank you.

  4. Taylor Halstead

    Mark this is well done and I really enjoyed it. I would like to say to Johnny Miller that he has made the right choice and that the one true God is not living in New Mexico. I also would like to say that many people have been surprised at what has happened at Strong City so how can anyone rule out suicide. We have not seen the end to this and I think its only going to get even more crazy before it is over. I look forward to seeing the next part of this and what Allen has to say about all of this and more.

  5. I have reviewed this video and found it to be very moving and done with great compassion for those who have been affected by this cult. My heart goes out to Johnny as I understand more about his life that he had with Wayne Bent. But my heart goes more beyond than what any of you know. I am Johnny Millers twin sister. I would be of his earthly life, a life he left behind for God. I have always loved my brother and have always allowed him to search for happiness, despite the strangeness of it all. So Johnny when you read this, just know I am still here for you, from womb to eternity. You are my brother and God or no one else will ever change that. Blood is thicker than water. I love you. I forgive you. Love Bonny

  6. My dearest Bonny.
    Truer words have neve been spoken. I am speechless, ashamed, reborn and renewed. I now feel like some of the past 20 plus years of isolation, confusion, bitterness, pain, and longingness to be understood has been restored back unto the both of us… well at least me. You have always been my only link to my old family, who somehow never quite could let me pass from the scene…. So now the joy of being alive again is also restored back to me. None of you out there , aside from Bonny, can even begin to understand what has just happened here just now. You are also forgiven, and accepted by me as well. I think the tears will come later… I am so blown away. I am in shock. I did not expect this in a thousand years. Thank you for blessing me Heavenly Father for my twin sister. You just made my day !!!

    Love Johnny Miller

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