Follow-up: Forbrick pleads guilty to attempted child sexual exploitation

(Safford, Arizona) A follow-up now to an in-depth story first reported in January. Stevo Forbrick has pleaded guilty to two counts of attempted sexual exploitation of a minor.

This case unfolded January 3, 2008 in Safford, Arizona after Stevo Forbricktwo Wal-Mart employees noticed that Forbrick had several photographs of nude and partially nude boys.

(Listen to podcast of January story here.)

Forbrick walked out of the store that day, but law enforcement officers caught-up with his distinctive van a short time later.

This afternoon, I spoke with Graham County Deputy Attorney Allan Perkins. Perkins tells me Forbrick pleaded guilty March 14 and that one of the victims was less than 15-years-old.

The second victim was less than 18 years of age.

Perkins said that investigators were not able to identify or locate the victims.

Forbrick’s sentencing date is April 1.

Van driven by Stevo Forbrick

1 thought on “Follow-up: Forbrick pleads guilty to attempted child sexual exploitation”

  1. Pingback: Follow-up: Forbrick gets 2.5 years in child porn case « Beyond 90 Seconds

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