- Right on cue, today’s development in the Jamiel Shaw Jr. case has just appeared on the FOX News Web site.
- Associated Press article addresses important questions raised (below) in this post
- Los Angeles Times, Man accused in teen’s slaying is in U.S. illegally, March 23:
An alleged gang member accused of killing a 17-year-old high school student just one day after being released from jail has been living in the country illegally, possibly for more than a decade, federal immigration authorities said Saturday. -Los Angeles Times
4. KABC-TV, Man accused of killing teen heads to court, March 25
5. MyFoxLA, Arraigment postponed in Jamiel Shaw case, March 25
6. Times Record News (Wichita Falls, Texas), “A horrible waste,” March 25
Jamiel Shaw Jr., a teenager on the verge of living out an American dream, was gunned down by someone who authorities believe had no business still living in America. -Times Record News
7. CNN, Dad faces son’s alleged killer; sees ‘normal’ youngster, March 26

8. Daily News (Los Angeles), Barbarians are within the gate, March 30:
The latest atrocity was the slaughter of 17-year-old Jamiel Shaw Jr., a star footballer who caught the eye of top college recruiters. Tragically, he also caught the eye of an illegal-alien gangbanger who gunned him down while Jamiel’s mother served in Iraq.
You can’t make this up. The irony of fighting a war against terrorism half a world away while a generation of Angelenos is shot to pieces by local terrorists, while your own son is cut down at home…. Wow.
9. Pedro Espinoza mug shot and booking sheet
10. Bill O’Reilly:
[youtube_sc url=A3iR7GUahcA width=430]
11. mayorsam.blogspot.com, Family of Jamiel Shaw to voice support for “Jamiel’s Law” on Doug McIntyre tomorrow morning (posted April 1) *note: Doug McIntyre is a radio host on KABC (Los Angeles). You can listen to his program here.
12. Independent Weekly (North Carolina), For Eve and Jamiel, and everyone else (commentary), April 2
13. FinalCall.com, Fear of a Black-Brown race war in Los Angeles, April 3
14. Los Angeles Times, Grieving father feels failed by 18-year plan, April 8
15. The Daily Collegian (Penn State University) Cities bleed with ‘death by percentages, April 8
Los Angeles Police Chief William J. Bratton said Wednesday that the department’s controversial policy on dealing with illegal immigrants was widely misunderstood by the public and some of his own officers, and he would clarify the rule in the next couple of weeks. -Los Angeles Times
In a development that will no doubt further intensify debate regarding illegal immigration, reports coming out of Los Angeles the past hour maintain that the suspect charged with murdering Jamiel Shaw Jr. may be an illegal immigrant.
19-year-old Pedro Espinoza is charged with the March 2 murder.
KABC-TV is reporting that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has filed an immigration hold against Espinoza. The TV station attributes the information to ICE spokesperson Virginia Kice.
17-year-old Jamiel Shaw Jr. was murdered while his mother served her country in Iraq. Police say the suspect killed the popular student athlete without any provocation. According to the LAPD Web site, charges include a special enhancement because Espinoza was allegedly “an active participant in a criminal street gang and the murder was carried out to further the activities of the criminal street gang.”
The enhanced charge makes this a potential death penalty case.
Espinoza had been released from jail just 28 hours prior to Shaw’s murder. It’s a fact that seems more important than ever now.
For if Espinoza is in the US illegally, should the jail, state or prior arresting agency have realized it? And, if so, what would have been the appropriate course of action?
Lawyers might be lining up to represent the Shaw family now.
In light of today’s development regarding Espinoza’s immigration status, don’t be surprised if this case finally finds the glare of the national media’s spotlight.
Lou Dobbs, perhaps? Maybe Bill O’Reilly?
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