Crisis in Kenya: PART 2

[youtube_sc url=Lypmq2GbIl8 width=430]
(*note: This video is posted on my old YouTube channel)

Part 2 of a special series, “Crisis in Kenya.” Journalist Mark Horner continues his look at the concern for Kenya and its people through the eyes of an Arizona woman named Louise Furman.

Part 2 begins with the question, “Where’s Jack?” Jack is the nickname for Furman’s Kenyan friend, Faustin Omondi. Omondi is also the person who helps distribute Furman’s donations to Kenyans in need. But she’s had difficulty reaching him following Kenya’s December 27, 2007 presidential election and the violence that has followed. She’s left to wonder if “Jack” is even alive.

Part 2 also vividly explains the negative impact on Lake Victoria caused by one of the fastest-growing plants known, the water hyacinth.

Horner shows the choking effect of the hyacinth on the lake, and makes an analogy to the violence that is gripping Kenya.

Your comments are welcome!

2 thoughts on “Crisis in Kenya: PART 2”

  1. Gratitude is readily swimming back and forth across the great oceans these days from Kenyans and Americans for the wonderful job that Mark Horner has done on the Crisis in Kenya website.
    Kenyans have been benefitting from the funds we have been sending over to Kisumu and e-mails of gratitude are returning to the benfactcors here in the States.
    None of us are rich people, but what little we do send is a fortune in this time of turmoil and displacement for the Kenyan people.

    We thank you Mark for the venue that you have given us to take on this task !

    And……THIS DAY….THIS VERY DAY….., I heard singing and dancing in the strreets of the Kenyan people over a brief but joyous phone call as word of the opposing parties signing an agreement became a realiity !!

    There is yet much work to be done. Please come and stand with us.

    Mungu Akubariki;
    Luisa Furman

  2. It’s a fantastic day for Kenya, Louise. I knew so little about what was going on in Kenya until our paths crossed, prompting me to learn more. It was my hope that the series would make others aware of the important story unfolding in Kenya, too.

    The unexpected bonus was the feedback received from people in Kenya.

    Thank you, Louise, for sharing your story with me.


    P.S. The following URL will take you to a pic from today’s news conference:

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