BREAKING NEWS: KOB-TV reports Wayne Bent will end fast Friday

UPDATE: New video interview about this development with KOB-TV’s Jeremy Jojola has learned that KOB-TV (Albuquerque) is about to report that convicted sex offender Wayne Bent plans to end his fast at noon tomorrow (January 2).

KOB-TV investigative reporter Jeremy Jojola confirms he’ll be reporting this latest development in the Bent case during tonight’s 10pm newscast on KOB-TV (NBC). Jojola tells that he learned about Bent’s plan to end his fast from Tia Bland, a spokeswoman for the New Mexico Department of Corrections.

Later this evening, will interview Jojola and post it on this blog shortly afterwards.

Earlier this month, a Taos jury convicted Bent of one count of second-degree criminal sexual contact of a minor and two counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor. On Monday, a judge sentenced Bent to 18-years in prison, but suspended 8 of those years.

Bent is the leader of the Lord Our Righteousness Church. In the past, many of his followers have also chosen to fast when he has done so. Prior to Monday’s sentencing, Bent indicated that he would fast until his death if sent to prison.

8 thoughts on “BREAKING NEWS: KOB-TV reports Wayne Bent will end fast Friday”

  1. Great scoop Jeremy and Mark! I saw this on the blog and turned on the TV in time to see the report.
    Looking forward to seeing the interview!

  2. Thanks, KM. It’s cool that you first read the news here, then had just enough time to turn on KOB-TV to see Jeremy Jojola’s report.

    We (Jeremy and I) successfully recorded a video interview this evening via Skype. I’m editing it right now and will post it tonight. It’s 11pm (PST) here and I hope to have it on the blog by midnight.


  3. Yep, I saw the headline, kicked the kids off a movie and caught the interview.
    Waiting and watching (and playing a few games in between)!

  4. Sorry for the delay. Someone’s coming down with a bug just now here at home. I’m nearly done w/the video, but it’ll have to be completed a bit later.


  5. What a weak willed man Wayne Bent is. That Teshome Abate, the Ethiopian, who fasted in prison (in Arizona) and took it to the supreme court to fight being force fed and then removed feeding tubes and fought for months on end until he finally died as result of infections from the feeding tubes insertions and the removals; now that guy had the courage of his convictions. I never could relate to what Wayne said he was espousing, but I thought that he did (I actually thought he believed it). I assumed that Bent would have strength and commitment to this “death fast,” as strongly as that that Ethiopian, who was doing it for his religion (The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church). I was wrong. Bent is a phony.

  6. Pingback: VIDEO: Jeremy Jojola on Wayne Bent’s decision to end fast « Beyond 90 Seconds

  7. The video interview conducted with Jeremy Jojola is now available on this blog. It appears in a new post this morning.

    For those of you who’ve been waiting, thank you for your patience.


  8. Yes I agree Wayne appears to be a very weak man. How long did this so called til death fast last … 3 days! That must be a new record for even Wayne.

    So what is the motivation here other than wanting his comforts? Had he planned this all along? Did his people know that he would stop his fast so soon? Will they now realize who and what he really is and that most certainly is NOT the Son of God?

    Great scoop on this story Jeremy and again Mark thanks for the updates.

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