Remembering Officer Erik Hite

Update (June 13, 7:47am PST): Unedited aerial video of funeral procession from Phoenix TV helicopter (

Update (June 12, 9:25am PST): This is a link to The Officer Down Memorial Page, Inc. entry for TPD Officer Erik David Hite. In addition to the main page, the “Reflections” page is a worthy read.

Update (June 10, 4:53pm PST): On the hottest day so far this year, many Tucsonans lined the streets to say farewell to fallen Tucson Police Officer Erik Hite.

As the mercury climbed to 106 degrees, a massive funeral procession made its way through the city’s eastside. At least one local media outlet reported that the procession was “11 miles long.”

The following video of the procession was shot along Speedway Boulevard near Prudence Road.

Slain Tucson Police Officer Erik Hite will be laid to rest today. The video that appears in this post features scenes from a roadside memorial this morning. It concludes with information about viewing today’s memorial service on the Internet.

10 thoughts on “Remembering Officer Erik Hite”

  1. Pingback: Live Web coverage planned for slain officer’s memorial service « Beyond 90 Seconds

  2. Hi Mark,

    Very nice video tribute! I had the opportunity to view the memorial service for Officer Hite this morning, and it was very moving. The outpouring of support from the whole community has been such an amazing thing to witness. Although I did not know Officer Hite, I know that his death has touched my life–as I’m sure it has many people in the community.

    As a side note, I had the opportunity to thank a couple officers from TPD last night, who were visiting the restaurant I work at. They seemed very appreciative and grateful for the support. It’s a very fulfilling feeling knowing that people appreciate the support. A kind word in a time of tragedy, as well as in everyday life, goes a long way. I hope this is one of the great lessons we can learn from Officer Hite’s tragic death.

    Thank you again, Mark, for keeping the public informed of this horrible tragedy.


  3. Hi Tami,

    Thank you for comment. I watched this morning’s service on television. It was very moving. I was especially touched by the song Officer Hite would sing to his daughter. His friends and son are very impressive people.

    Within the next hour, I’ll be posting another video here. It’ll feature today’s funeral procession.


  4. WOW. nice video! as a former young LEO (due to medical reasons) I want to thank you for taking the time to do this. I love it. I have had to lay down one of my own , so I was out there today in the heat, but worth it! I never want to do it again, but nice video! thank You
    Officer Hite is 10-7 10-42 and will always be remembered

  5. Thank you Mercy Chanter and thank you JP.

    JP, the heat issue is interesting to me. Speaking only from what I was able to observe from the corner of Speedway and Prudence, no one around me seemed to be complaining about the heat. The people were strangers to me. Yet, everyone was quite respectful to one another (one young woman even asked if she had stepped into my shot. She hadn’t).

    Another woman kept checking-in with a nearby Pima County Sheriff’s Deputy, asking for updates on the whereabouts of the procession. For some reason, she felt compelled to share those updates with me. That was nice of her.

    I heard no one speaking of the heat. Everyone seemed focussed on the importance…the significance…of what was about to pass before his or her eyes.

    Officer Hite’s funeral procession was the longest I have ever seen. It seemed to take about a half hour to pass by. But the moment never seemed to drag.

    Once the procession was over, I realized my head was covered with sweat. I hadn’t even been moving around much in the sun.

    On the hottest day of the year, the whole topic of heat seemed to fall upon the backburner.

  6. With a community response to this officer’s death, shows me that this world is a good place and the good guys always wins in the end. that their sacrifice has meaning. that the men and women who are EMT, paramedics, police officers and soldiers believe in putting service before self and truly believe in their world, country and community.

    Mark Jasek, TSgt USAF
    Lafayette, Indiana

  7. Sanford Brown

    I served with this man at Davis Monthan AFB. I just wanted say, “I hope you rest in peace.” You were a fine SNCO

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