New sentencing date for Wayne Bent has learned that a new sentencing date has been set for Wayne Bent.

According to Union County Court Deputy Clerk Karen Vieites, a Notice of Hearing filed this afternoon states that Bent’s sentencing is now set for Tuesday, December 30 at 8:30am in Las Vegas, New Mexico.

Bent’s sentencing had previously been scheduled for December 29.

On Monday, a jury found Bent (aka Michael Travesser) guilty of second-degree criminal sexual contact of a minor and two counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

7 thoughts on “New sentencing date for Wayne Bent”

  1. Pingback: BULLETIN: Wayne Bent to be sentenced in Las Vegas, New Mexico « Beyond 90 Seconds

  2. Thats just after Christmas. Well, first we go celebrate the Christmas tree, and the invention of plastic.

    29th December. I will have fireworks than. And go celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ 200o years ago. This terrorist, this Jesus Christ! Having sex with Mary Magdalene and all was very criminal. This expensive oil, Judas Iskariot warned him!

    When Christmas is over, Jesus and God have had 2 days of attention, and must not complain! We humans had a hard time, making up these birthday celebrations! Companies must make money in order to survive, and we thank Jesus for all the money our companies make in Christmas time. And for the priests, money is also important! We give millions of Dollars to churches at Christmas, so if God complains, …!

  3. Mark,

    You might be interested in a developing story in Guys, TN about one of Wayne Bent’s x-LOR ministers who is in trouble now with the Court for exercising his “freedom of religion.” See This one, however, is not “criminal” yet, though it seems the Plaintiff, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, would imply otherwise. You may recall that the GC of SDA was intimately involved in the Waco, TX tragedy with that David Koresh church. I think Wayne Bent was a pastor for the SDA several years???

    Thanks for your time.

  4. Johnny D. Miller

    I noted that Judge Baca chose to sentence convicted sex offender Wayne Bent from the District Courts located in Las Vegas, New Mexico. Las Vegas is also the location of the New Mexico State Hospital system where all state mental patients are treated and housed including those state mental patients assigned to the Department of Corrections. I would believe that Mr. Bent’s incareration may begin with rather intensive mental examinations at the state mental facilities. It would be good for the doctors there to find out what makes Wayne tick.

  5. Johnny D. Miller

    I noted that Judge Baca chose to sentence convicted sex offender Wayne Bent from the District Courts located in Las Vegas, New Mexico. Las Vegas is also the location of the New Mexico State Hospital system where all state mental patients are treated and housed including those state mental patients assigned to the Department of Corrections. I would believe that Mr. Bent’s incareration may begin with rather intensive mental examinations at the state mental facilities. It would be good for the doctors there to find out what makes Wayne tick.

    Let us hope Johnny that is what does happen. With all of Wayne’s pronouncements down through the years and his actions to be sure, he definitely needs to be evaluated. Let us hope that is what the Judge does tomorrow. Only thing is, I do not think Wayne ever predicted this …

  6. With mr WayBent there’s 3 perhaps 4 birds.
    I’m recalling his recents statments regarding him being like a caged wild bird that could not live being locked up.
    Free as a bird, Jail bird, Cuckoo bird, and some may want to “give him the bird”!
    Interestingly our English dictionary says the meaning of a Cuckoo bird has several meanings.
    #1 bird laying in others nest.
    a bird that lays its eggs in the nests of other birds that bring the nestlings up as their own
    #4 somebody regarded as eccentric or unconventional.
    Perhaps he’s more likely fitting into the eccentric category!

    With this change of venue for sentencing, does the same judge reside over this case? Or will he simply get a new judge that will carry out his sentencing AND will his sentencing be based SOLEY on the findings of the court proceedings, guidelines and other case studies?
    Will the same Judge Baca set his sentencing since he knows the case well.
    and if so….does the sentencing judge take into consideration the facts of this case, substantiated and “un-substantiated” all the information NOT given during court proceedings
    does the judge make mandates soley on the information given to jurors and witness testimonies.
    Also…what impact does the victims statements make towards persuading the judges.
    Will he have already weighed and studied this case as to just what he can and cannot have done with WB?
    Seems to me he borders on mental insanity and evil, Perhaps both!

    Or does the judge make his decision right then and there, case closed! for now at least!
    Seems to me he would consider victims statements that would help him decide just what should be done.
    If he is “just” mentally insane, then does he deserve to be locked up for many years?

    And how impacting for them to witness the final “blow” to WB’s ego OR hearing that he’s getting away a free bird by just probation and basically will have gotten away with these crimes against children,
    Tomorrow we will learn the verdict,
    Will he get off like a free bird…or put in a Cuckoo bird cage….or locked up Jail bird!
    Remember the old saying…if it sings like a bird, hops like a bird, eats like a bird, chirps like a bird, flys like a bird,
    then it must BE a bird!

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